This section will contain various articles, both written pieces and links, relevant to the growing of Australian native plants that we will add to our website from time to time. These articles may be selected from industry publications, enthusiast-societies or news reports. Where the notes are not our own we will provide attribution to the authors and publishers, as far as can be determined.
Our main aim in making these articles available is to increase interest in and knowledge of Australian wildflowers and how to successfully grow them in your garden. Consider it as a more detailed form of response to Frequently Asked Questions – and some not so frequently asked.
We sometimes receive questions that cause us to produce a detailed response for the customer. Where it seems helpful we will also include those explanations and descriptions in this section or perhaps in another more relevant section. As we do this a new page heading will be added to the Articles menu or other relevant menu.
It may be useful for you to occasionally revisit our website for new and interesting information. This may not occur in a rapid manner but more likely on an occasional basis.
- Smoke – Magic Ingredient in Germination
- Water-wise Gardening with Australian Plants
- Plant Death in Pots
- Dieback Disease in Plants
- Minimising Salt Damage in Home Gardens
- Companion Planting with Natives
- Growing Plants from Seed – Viability and Dormancy
- Growing Eucalypts from Seed
- Potting Mixes and Soil Needs of Eucalypts

While stocks last or until offer is withdrawn