Scarlet Gold-tipped Kunzea

Scarlet Gold-tipped Kunzea


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Scarlet Gold-tipped Kunzea
Botanic Name :

Also known as Scarlet Kunzea

A brilliant, fast growing shrub up to 3m (10′) and 3m across, with soft narrow leaves and dense, scarlet red bottlebrush-type flowers with a halo of gold tipped stamens that decorate the bush for about 4 months each year in Winter, Spring and Summer.

One of the showiest of all the Kunzea, this is a hardy, drought resistant plant which will attract nectar feeding birds to the garden.


Contents: Approx. 800 seeds.

Very small seeds – like dust.
Open with care onto a sheet of paper.
Avoid windy conditions when opening the packet.

Wildflower Seed Starter granules are helpful to boost germination.

Always protect seeds and seedlings from predators such as snails, slugs etc.


WHO – Are we 

WHY – Wildflower Seed Starter Granules 

WHERE – Do we ship to  

Wildflora Factory Pty Ltd 

 PH : 0439 965 899

Warehouse & Distribution Centre 

Located in Western Australia

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