Which Seeds For Your Locality?
When thinking about which Australian native plants would best suit your garden or other area for planting, it always pays to do some simple planning and research before starting.
Start by deciding whether you need tall, medium or small plants, trees, shrubs, ground-covers, climbers, whether the garden has full sun or shady areas and so on. Then determine whether your soil is sandy, loamy, clay, rocky, flat, sloping, prone to collecting water and so on.
We can make some suggestions for you if you ask. However, as we cannot be familiar with all the different climatic zones, soil types and other conditions around Australia or other countries – and specifically your particular patch of ground – our suggestions may be based on limited information. It always helps if we receive some description of local conditions so that we can suggest some of our pre-packaged seed range or other seeds for you to try.
You may find it helpful to consult a local nursery or two and your local government Parks & Gardens people for the names of plant species suited to your area. A search of the Internet can also be informative.
Different seeds require different sowing and growing treatments, so it would be useful for you to ask about sowing & growing techniques as you learn about the different plants suited to the soils and other conditions in your area. Our Sowing Guide provides some useful guidelines for most Australian native plant seeds.
Always remember to use some of our Wildflower Seed Starter granules when sowing the seeds, as this will help to condition the soil and help to trigger their germination. The granules are impregnated with smoke which is a catalyst to seed germination. See our Articles about Smoke Treatment of seeds.
Many plants are adaptable to some degree and some experimentation with plants from outside the area can also produce pleasing results, so also ask your local nursery about that and be prepared to try a few different things over time. Depending on the total area you wish to develop, it may take a few seasons – and it can be fun to watch the garden develop and evolve over time, knowing you brought it about.
All our pre-packaged products can be seen on and purchased from our website.
We are also able to source a wide range of other Australian wildflower seeds in small packets from our collectors and suppliers. Should you wish to obtain seeds from outside our range, please feel free to send us a list of names (preferably with botanical names) and we will try to locate them for you.
We trust this information will assist in helping you to grow some Wildflowers of Australia in your garden. Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions or wish to send us a list of plant names.
We look forward to assisting you when you are ready to begin.
Best wishes for your project.

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