Should you wish to obtain seeds of Australian native plants that are not included in our presentation range please email us a list of those seeds – preferably using their botanic names, if known.
Our company is able to source an extensive range of Australian seeds and we would be happy to try to locate them for you.
The seeds are normally supplied in small sealed clear plastic packets containing a sample of the particular seed species. The packets may contain 20 – 100 seeds (for smaller or less expensive seeds) or just a few seeds (for larger or more expensive seeds).
Small – medium bulk quantities can be arranged on request. Shipment within Australia usually will not present any difficulty, however international shipment may require attention to your local import regulations.
See Taking Seeds from Australia to Other Countries.
The small packets are usually priced around AUD$4.00 to $6.00 each plus pack & postage.
Prices for bulk seeds will vary with the quantity ordered, the seed species and seasonal variations in availability.
Once your requested seeds are located we will forward a quotation showing all costs, postage, etc, for payment prior to dispatch. Once payment is received – either directly or via PayPal – we will dispatch the seeds by mail or via your preferred delivery method.
We have provided this service for many customers over the years and many have reported great success.
We trust this extension of our range of seeds will be of value to you.
Please feel free to contact us with your list.
Australian Orchids – Interest Groups
Australia’s beautiful and amazing native orchids represent an area of specialised interest within the field of Australian wildflowers, often requiring very specific soils, mosses, nutrients and sometimes partner-fungi or bacteria in the soil.
Many people believe that propagating native orchid species is close to impossible. Specialist orchid breeders and many Orchid Societies and clubs around Australia have extensive knowledge of the topc. Researchers at botanical gardens around the country, such as Kings Park and Botanic Garden in Perth are looking into methods that may improve our knowledge of orchid propagation.
Should you see orchids in the wild, please remember that taking plants from the wild for transplanting to a garden will NOT succeed, is HIGHLY ILLEGAL and destroys native plant stocks. Please leave the plants and their soil untouched.
By all means, photograph them. By using a good lens or special camera functions you could create pictures almost as brilliant as the flower itself.
Given all of this, we do not carry seeds of orchids in our range of seed products.
However, we are happy to provide a list of some of the main Orchid Societies and interest groups around Australia for you to contact for information and guidance should that be your interest.
Many excellent books and other publications about Orchids are also available from various retailers or through the Orchid Societies and the Internet. If Orchids are your interest – or passion, as I know they are for many people – please feel free to use the link below to see the list of societies and other contacts – with our best wishes.
WINTER Collection
WINTER Collection

While stocks last or until offer is withdrawn