Scientific Name: GREVILLEA banksii
Common Name: Banks’ Grevillea
Alternative Common Name: Red silky oak, Dwarf silky oak, Kahili flower, Balga
Family: Proteaceae
Height: Up to 3m (10′)
Width: Up to 2m (7′)
Description: Hardy tall, slender or spreading shrub to small tree.
Flowers: Produces striking bird attracting bright red or white flowers in spring to summer. Flowers can grow to 8cm (7″) wide.
Soil: Well-drained, slightly acidic, lightly enriched sand, gravel or light loam.
Aspects: Full sun, frost tender.
Habitat: Native to Queensland but found in New South Wales and Western Australia. Will grow in most areas of Australia except the coldest areas.
Growing: In warm areas or glasshouses sow in small pots at any time. In frost prone areas, sow when danger of frost is over. Fill pots with rich, moist sandy soil and compress. Sow several seeds 1cm (3/8″) deep in each pot.Cover lightly with soil. Keep moist. Cover with clear polythene, remove when germination starts in about 3-5 weeks. Keep in a warm, shady position. Protect from snails.
Landscape: Open garden or shrubbery.
Cultivation: Plant out to open position when plants are 10cm (4″) high. Spread a layer of gravel over roots to reduce humidity and water in well. Water regularly until plant is well established then occasionally in dry weather. Responds well to occasional light application of low-phosphate organic fertiliser.
Seed Starter Required: Helpful.